On the downside, the enemies are very stupid and only attack when you get close to them the trouble is that while they kill you in one hit, most of the time they can be rather easily killed without them even having the opportunity to shoot. Somewhat unusually for the genre, the terrain in the game is fully destructible, meaning that everything except for checkpoints, ladders, and a few steel blocks which are distributed in some parts of some levels can be destroyed. Gameplay The game is a fairly standard run-and-gun type game in some respects you control a character, you have a very limited number of attacks but a variety of possible attack sets, in this game represented by different characters instead of different weapons, and there are explosive barrels around in the environment which can be used to destroy enemies. The story is barely mentioned and is very clearly an excuse plot. Story You are trying to free your bros and kill the bad guy. You The Expendabros is a free run-and-gun video game based on BroForce and The Expendables 3, meant to promote both properties. The Expendabros is a free run-and-gun video game based on BroForce and The Expendables 3, meant to promote both properties.

After playing through this, I'm now interested to check out the original game, Broforce.

In addition to the top notch combat, you also have a cool narrator voice, some high pitched enemy screams, and at times some epic music. The game is kind of short (took me less than a couple of hours to complete), but it's packed with fun and is free to play. Most of the game is somewhat easy, but there are a couple of challenging boss fights in the late stages. I haven't found a way to swap between team members on the fly, but maybe that was intentional. This also adds some degree of strategy to the levels, because where one weapon will be optimal, another could cause you to meet your death. Each character that you can play as has their own methods of killing, as well as their own unique special ability, ranging from knife throwing, to grenade launchers. The Expendabros is a 2D sidescroller where you play as the main cast of the Expendables 3, and your job is to infiltrate a variety of locations and, well, to cause carnage and destruction. The Expendabros is a 2D sidescroller where you play as the main cast of the Expendables Tonnes of wild fun, pixelated blood, and explosions. Tonnes of wild fun, pixelated blood, and explosions.